The Consumable System Review — Honeycomm eCom Technique?

Claude Buzizi
14 min readNov 18, 2023


You’re about to delve into our analytical review of the Consumable System.

If you’re an entrepreneur seeking to boost your income, you’ll find this system intriguing. It’s not just for beginners, seasoned marketers will gain fresh insights too.

Check out the full review at


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The Consumable System Review

Imagine leveraging consumables to create a self-sustaining business model.

You’ll learn about the system’s ins and outs, its advantages, and the engine behind it — HoneyComm.

So, buckle up and let’s unlock your business potential.

The Consumable System

Let’s talk about ‘consumables’, a central aspect of The Consumable System.

You’re likely familiar with these goods as they’re products used up and then replaced — think dietary supplements or skincare items.

Understanding what consumables are and their market demand is critical to the success of this system.

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What Are “Consumables”?

Diving into the heart of The Consumable System, you’ll find that ‘consumables’ are products that are used up with each use and need to be repurchased regularly, such as skincare items and dietary supplements. This system leverages the ongoing demand for consumables, creating a steady stream of income.

It’s all about understanding your customer’s repurchase behavior and ensuring the consumables you offer are of high quality. The right choice of products can convert one-time buyers into lifelong patrons, fostering customer retention.

This, in turn, leads to a predictable revenue flow, allowing for precise sales forecasting. It’s a self-sustaining model, with quality consumables creating a consistent market demand.

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How Does The Consumable System Work?

Now, you might be wondering how The Consumable System actually works. It’s essentially a streamlined ecommerce platform, specifically designed for the consumables market with a focus on supplements. The brainchild of Manuel Suarez, this system encourages you, an aspiring entrepreneur, to create a unique brand in the supplements space and boost its digital presence.

The first step involves identifying a niche within the supplement market. You’re encouraged to research and understand the demands of your potential customers, and then create a brand that caters to these needs. With a well-defined brand in place, you then focus on marketing. The Consumable System offers guidance on how to effectively market your brand online, maximizing visibility and consumer reach.

The real game-changer, however, lies in the operational process. Forget about the complications of inventory management and logistics. The Consumable System employs a dropshipping-like model that eliminates the need for intermediary storage. Simply put, products are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This efficiency not only simplifies your operations but also enables scalability.

Moreover, the system also offers a wealth of resources to support your venture, including tutorials, community access, and ongoing advice from Suarez himself. And with numerous success stories vouching for its effectiveness, The Consumable System seems to be a promising avenue for anyone looking to tap into the lucrative consumables market.

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What You Will Learn In The Consumable System

In the Consumable System, you’ll gain comprehensive insights into its foundation, the utilization of HoneyComm software, and the importance of creating a magnetic brand.

You’ll also learn how to identify your ideal customer, devise successful strategies for your brand, and establish a high-converting, profit-making website.

This analytical, detail-oriented, and technically approach will equip you with the essential knowledge to thrive in the consumable market.

MODULE 1 — The Consumable Foundation

As you embark on Module 1 — The Consumable Foundation, you’ll uncover the bedrock principles of building a thriving consumable brand, arming you with the essential knowledge to navigate the industry’s complex dynamics.

  1. Understanding Consumables: You’ll delve deep into what consumables are, studying various examples that range from everyday household items to specialized products.
  2. Analyzing Market Potential: You’ll gain insights into the vast market potential of consumables, understanding the factors that drive demand and customer retention.
  3. Brand Building: You’ll explore strategies for creating a brand that not only survives but thrives in the competitive market.
  4. Industry Dynamics: You’ll learn about key elements shaping the consumables industry, aiding you in carving a unique path for your brand.

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MODULE 2 — Understanding the HoneyComm Software and Community

Diving into Module 2, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of HoneyComm’s cutting-edge software and the vibrant community that accompanies it.

HoneyComm is an innovative tool designed to empower your brand-building journey. Its robust features allow you to craft a compelling and distinctive brand. You’ll learn how to navigate its interface, manage your inventory, and leverage advanced analytics to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior.

Moreover, the module introduces you to a community of like-minded individuals sharing the same journey. This collective wisdom becomes an invaluable resource as you navigate the challenges of building a consumable brand. The shared experiences and insights contribute to a rich learning environment, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

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MODULE 3 — Creating a Magnetic Brand and Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Often, you’ll find that creating a magnetic brand and identifying your ideal customer is a vital part of The Consumable System. This isn’t just about designing a logo or crafting a catchy tagline. Rather, it’s about forging a powerful brand identity that deeply resonates with your target audience.

  1. Define your brand’s core values: What does your brand stand for? What principles guide its operations?
  2. Develop your brand’s personality: This is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to your brand.
  3. Articulate your brand’s mission: This is the reason for your brand’s existence beyond making profits.
  4. Identify your ideal customer: Who are you trying to serve? What’re their needs, and how does your brand fulfill them?

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MODULE 4 — Building a Successful Brand Through Strategies

Building on from module 3, in module 4 of The Consumable System, you’ll delve into the art of strategic brand-building, a critical step towards creating a successful brand that truly stands out in the market.

Here, you’ll unravel the secrets to a holistic marketing strategy, analysing your brand’s strengths and weaknesses, and identifying market opportunities.

You’ll learn to define your brand’s unique selling proposition (USP) and how to craft a compelling brand message.

Additionally, you’ll explore effective positioning strategies to differentiate your brand in a competitive landscape.

By the end of this module, you’ll possess a well-defined brand strategy, laying the foundation for your brand’s success.

This knowledge will assist you in capturing your target audience’s attention and driving your brand to the forefront.

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MODULE 5 — Creating a High-Converting and Profit-Making Consumable Website

After establishing a solid brand strategy in module 4, you’ll now explore how to put that strategy into action by creating a high-converting, profit-making website for your consumables in module 5 of The Consumable System.

Here, you’ll learn to:

  1. Master the art of crafting a high-converting e-commerce website that effectively showcases your products.
  2. Understand the essentials of user experience (UX) design, website layout, and navigation to provide a seamless customer journey.
  3. Discover the key elements that enhance a website’s conversion rate, including compelling product descriptions and visually appealing imagery.
  4. Develop a fully functional e-commerce website that’s ready to showcase your consumable products to the world.

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MODULE 6 — Basic Email and SMS Campaign Setups

In ‘Module 6 — Basic Email and SMS Campaign Setups’ of The Consumable System, your focus shifts to the crucial aspect of lead generation and nurturing through effective email and SMS campaigns.

You’ll learn how to capture potential customers’ attention with enticing lead magnets and maintain engagement with automated email and SMS sequences.

This module aims to guide prospects through their buyer’s journey, transforming them into loyal repeat customers.

The importance of staying connected with your audience and nurturing relationships is emphasized, setting up a system for long-term success.

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MODULE 7 — Integrating Amazon and Other Sales Channels

Now that you’ve established an effective email and SMS campaign setup, it’s time to broaden your brand’s reach by integrating Amazon and other sales channels into your business strategy.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  1. The benefits of selling on Amazon, a platform with millions of active customers globally.
  2. How to set up and manage your Amazon sales channel, maximizing its potential for your brand.
  3. Other potent sales channels like Facebook Marketplace and eBay. Each platform has its unique user base and advantages that can contribute significantly to your brand’s visibility.
  4. How to strategically integrate these sales channels to optimize your brand’s presence and revenue potential.

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MODULE 8 — The Bootstrap Model (The Zero Advertising Route)

You’ll discover in Module 8 of The Consumable System a novel approach to brand growth, called the bootstrap model, that doesn’t rely heavily on advertising budgets. This model leverages organic growth strategies to build and expand your brand’s presence.

You’ll study how to harness content, engage with communities, and form strategic partnerships to attract and retain customers without incurring hefty advertising costs. You’ll learn to navigate social media platforms to organically increase your brand’s visibility.

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MODULE 9 — Paid Traffic Secrets For Accelerated Growth

Ready to take your brand to the next level? In Module 9 of The Consumable System, you’ll uncover the power of paid traffic strategies for rapid and strategic growth.

  1. Social Media Marketing: Learn to navigate the vast landscape of social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
  2. Creative Asset Creation: Master the art of creating engaging content that captures attention and drives traffic.
  3. Ad Copy and Campaign Planning: Develop effective ad copy and plan successful campaigns to maximize your return on investment.
  4. Leveraging Paid Traffic: Discover how to use paid traffic strategically to accelerate your brand’s growth.

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MODULE 10 — Setting Your Brand Up for Long-Term Success and Growth

After mastering the power of paid traffic in Module 9, in Module 10, you’re going to delve into the strategies that will set your brand up for long-term success and growth.

You’ll explore advanced techniques for expanding your brand, retaining customers, and fostering brand loyalty. These high-level concepts are designed to ensure your brand’s longevity and relevance amidst a dynamic market landscape.

You’ll understand how to position your brand for enduring success, creating a legacy that evolves and thrives over time.

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Advantages & Features of the Consumable System

You’ll find the Consumable System offers numerous benefits and features tailored to optimize your online business operations.

Consider the advantages of no inventory management, minimal initial investment, and time-efficiency.

Not to mention the prospects of recurring revenue and the convenience of direct shipping.

No Inventory Management

One of your biggest advantages with The Consumable System is its no-inventory management feature, saving you the hassle and cost associated with stock holding.

This feature presents several benefits:

  1. Simplification: You’re spared the complexity of stock management, enabling you to focus more on strategic aspects of your business.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Without the need for physical storage, you’re able to cut down on overhead costs significantly.
  3. Efficiency: The system ensures the smooth running of your sales process, eliminating delays related to inventory handling.
  4. Flexibility: Being inventory-free allows you to adapt swiftly to market changes, helping you stay ahead of the competition.

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In essence, the no-inventory management aspect of The Consumable System not only streamlines your operations but also enhances your business agility.

Minimal Initial Investment

Moving onto another major advantage of The Consumable System, you can kickstart your business with a minimal initial investment. Unlike traditional business models, there’s no need for colossal upfront capital to buy stock.

This system leverages the consumable market, allowing you to begin with low costs. You’re not burdened with pre-purchasing inventory, which significantly reduces startup expenses.

Furthermore, HoneyComm, the engine powering the system, offers features like inventory management and advanced analytics. These tools streamline operations, lowering the cost of running your business.


With just a few hours a week, you can effectively manage your Consumable System business, demonstrating the system’s impressive time-efficiency. This ease of management is one of the many advantages of the Consumable System.

The system’s features that contribute to its time efficiency are:

  1. Automated Inventory Management: The system keeps track of your stock levels, saving you the hassle of manual tracking.
  2. Streamlined Order Fulfillment: The system automates most of the order fulfillment process, saving you time on processing orders.
  3. Integrated Marketing Tools: These tools allow you to execute marketing campaigns quickly and efficiently.
  4. Simplified Reporting: The system provides clear, concise reports, making it easy for you to understand your business performance.

These features make the Consumable System a time-efficient solution for your business.

Recurring Revenue

In your journey to achieve a steady income stream, the Consumable System’s focus on repeat purchases becomes your strongest ally. This system, tailored to both novice and experienced marketers, leverages the consumable market to maximize revenue. The key lies in customer retention through quality consumables, leading to a predictable revenue flow.

By strategically selecting consumables, like skincare items or dietary supplements, you’re tapping into a self-sustaining market. This method offers high profitability and fosters a loyal consumer base. Moreover, the Consumable System’s advanced analytics provided by HoneyComm can help you understand repurchase behavior, thus enabling precise sales forecasting.

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Direct Shipping

As you delve deeper into the Consumable System, you’ll find that its direct shipping model simplifies logistics significantly, providing a clear edge over traditional online selling methods.

Here are the key advantages of this system:

  1. Streamlined Operations: With products going straight from the manufacturer to the customer, you eliminate the need for middlemen, resulting in lower operating costs.
  2. Improved Efficiency: This direct approach reduces delivery times, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Inventory Management: There’s no need for you to maintain a stockpile of products, freeing up capital for other business aspects.
  4. Quality Control: Since the products are shipped directly from the manufacturer, you’ll be assured of their quality and consistency, building trust with your customers.

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In essence, the direct shipping feature of the Consumable System sets you up for success.

Diverse Product Range

So, why should you consider the Consumable System for your online business venture?

One key reason is the diverse product range it offers. From supplements to skincare and food products, you’ve got a broad spectrum to venture into. This diversity not only caters to a wider customer base but also reduces market saturation risks.

With the Consumable System, you’re not locked into a single product niche. You can quickly adapt to market trends and customer demands. Furthermore, each product type has its own unique features and advantages.

For instance, dietary supplements have a high repurchase rate, leading to steady revenue flow. Skincare products, on the other hand, often trigger cross-selling opportunities, increasing your profit potential.

The Consumable System gives you the flexibility to leverage these advantages.

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Guided Approach

With the Consumable System, you’re not just thrown into the deep end of the market; instead, you’re carefully guided through a structured approach that aims to maximize your chances of success. This system, crafted by industry experts Manuel Suarez and Jason Fladlien, leverages their extensive knowledge and experience to pave a clear path for your venture.

  1. It offers step-by-step guidance to navigate the consumable market, eliminating guesswork.
  2. It provides actionable strategies which are easy to implement, ensuring you’re not left in the lurch.
  3. The system is beginner-friendly, significantly reducing the learning curve for newcomers.
  4. Lastly, it includes ongoing support to address any concerns or stumbling blocks you encounter.

In essence, the Consumable System empowers you with the tools, knowledge, and support to thrive in the consumable market.

Who is it Good for?

In the realm of online entrepreneurship, the Consumable System is an ideal fit for you, whether you’re just dipping your toes into the digital market or already commanding an established presence. It’s designed to be adaptable, catering to a wide range of interests and fields, thus making it a versatile tool for your digital business.

If you’re a private labeler or dealing with physical products, the Consumable System can streamline your operations. It employs a Print-On-Demand approach for consumables, eliminating logistical challenges associated with inventory management. You’ll only produce what your customers order, reducing wastage and storage issues.

Are you into content marketing, SEO or email marketing? If so, the Consumable System optimizes visibility on search engines while improving your email marketing campaigns. It’s a perfect partner for those in the finance or copywriting sectors too, providing efficient tools that simplify complex tasks and enhance productivity.

Influencers and product creators aren’t left out either. This system offers solutions tailored to your unique needs. If you’re a niche professional looking to expand your reach or an investor seeking opportunities within the crypto industry, the Consumable System offers diverse possibilities for growth and expansion.

In short, whether you’re just starting out or already established in your field, the Consumable System is good for you. It’s created with everyone in mind, aiming to make online businesses more straightforward and more profitable than ever before. No matter your niche or expertise, the Consumable System is a worthy investment for your business.

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Pros and Cons

While you’re considering The Consumable System for your business, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision.

TCS’s comprehensive approach provides a host of services such as branding, website building, and marketing support, making it easier for you to launch your brand. This all-inclusive system eliminates the need for piecemeal solutions and provides you with a streamlined process.

TCS also offers training and support to help you navigate the world of marketing. This is a tremendous advantage, especially if you’re new to the industry. You’ll have access to expert advice and guidance, reducing the learning curve and increasing your chances of success.

One of the key advantages of TCS is its no-inventory approach. You won’t need to manage your own inventory, a task that can be overwhelming for new businesses. This feature allows you to focus on the core aspects of your business.

A significant point to consider is TCS’s success guarantee. They promise that you’ll have your own private label supplement brand ready to sell within 90 days, or they’ll refund your investment. This guarantee reflects their confidence in their system and reduces your financial risk.

Despite these benefits, there are noteworthy cons. The initial investment, while lower than starting a traditional business, might be a barrier for some. Additionally, the level of customization offered mightn’t meet your expectations if you’re envisioning a brand with highly specific or unique features.

Weigh these factors carefully to ensure TCS aligns with your business goals and financial capability.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is the Process to Get Started With the Consumable System?

To start with the consumable system, you’ll sign up, choose your product line, and let them create your brand. They’ll build your website and manage inventory while you focus on marketing and selling.

2. What Is the Typical Time Frame to Start Seeing Profits With Tcs?

You’ll typically start seeing profits with TCS within 3–6 months. It’s dependent on your marketing efforts and product demand. Remember, consistent effort and strategic planning are key to faster returns on your investment.

3. Can You Explain More About the Money-Back Guarantee Offered by the Consumable System?

Sure, you’re curious about the money-back guarantee. It’s a promise TCS makes. If you don’t have your private label supplement brand ready in 90 days, they’ll refund your investment. It’s their success guarantee.

4. What Is the Extent of the Training and Support Provided by TCS to New Users?

You’ll receive extensive training from TCS, covering essential topics like branding and marketing. They’ll also provide ongoing support to ensure you navigate the business world successfully, making the process less daunting for you.

5. How Does Tcs’s ‘No Inventory’ Approach Work in Practical Terms?

TCS’s ‘no inventory’ approach means you don’t manage stock. They handle production, storage, and shipping. You focus on brand building and marketing, saving you time, money, and the hassle of inventory management.


In conclusion, the Consumable System is a game-changer for any entrepreneur. You’ll learn strategic product selection, targeted marketing, and generate a steady income stream.

With HoneyComm’s engine and Manuel Suarez’s expertise, you’re in good hands. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, this system is worth investing in.

Dive into the Consumable System and unlock your business potential. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your business strategy.



Claude Buzizi

Blogger at I cover how to make money online, personal finance and profitable lifestyle business.